Feng Shui Owl

How To Manage A T-Junction Affliction

A T-Junction in refers to the intersecting point where two roads meet, forming a shape similar to the letter “T.”

When a house is located at the top of the T as shown below, it will be subject to a feng shui affliction that can bring wealth loss and bad health.

It is associated with high levels of energy or Sha Qi due to the convergence of different energy flows.

To deal with a T-junction’s negative energy in Feng Shui, landscaping can help. Planting tall trees, shrubs, or bushes can slow and redirect the bad energy. This acts as a barrier, reducing the fast-paced energy’s impact and creating a balanced environment.

Another key principle in correcting T-Junction Feng Shui is the strategic placement of protective symbols or objects.

Using mirrors, wind chimes, or Bagua mirrors can deflect or neutralize negative energy. These symbols enhance the space’s protective energy and shield against Sha Qi. Positioning these objects correctly can also harmonize Qi flow, restoring peace and security in the environment.

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